
Michael Campbell, Ph.D.

Dr. Campbell has over 30 years of post-doctoral experience directing research and evaluation projects for federal, state, and local agencies. Skilled in program evaluation, performance measurement, strategic planning, organizational analysis, and social policy research, his strengths include excellent conceptual and analytic skills, creative problem-solving ability, team management skills, and an ability to communicate complex ideas and information to diverse audiences. Dr. Campbell has provided consultation to KEN Consulting, Inc. (KCI) on various projects.

Currently, Dr. Campbell is serving as a senior researcher for the Institute for Behavior and Health conducting research and evaluation projects on substance abuse treatment and prevention and criminal justice innovation. He is responsible for survey and evaluation design, data collection, statistical analysis and reporting. Select projects include: quantitative and qualitative studies of the effects of substance abuse treatment on recidivism of long-term criminals in community programs funded by the Washington/Baltimore High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Program including fifteen annual cohort studies conducted since 2002; a series of ongoing studies regarding drug use, treatment retention, and outcomes for patients in methadone maintenance and buprenorphine maintenance treatment programs in the Washington/ Baltimore area. The studies include patient surveys, reviews of clinical records and participation data, and tracking of counselor actions in response to positive drug tests; a three-year evaluation of REACH (Referral for Employment, Asset Development, Cooperation, and Hope), a federally-funded demonstration project in Kent County, Michigan to assist low-income noncustodial parents develop financial stability and enable them to pay child support and participate more fully in their children’s lives. Project involved random assignment of subjects; and an evaluation of the outcomes of the Alliance for Information on Maternal and Child Health (AIM) Grantee Collaborative. The AIM Collaborative was a joint effort of 16 national organizations receiving federal grants from the Maternal and Child Health Bureau to improve health policies and programs for women, children, and families through information sharing and other collaborative activities. He has also provided TA (Technical Assistance) to grantees on evaluation and performance measurement.