KCI teams of experienced hands-on professionals, subject matter expert, and consultants bring value added services and solutions to our clients.
KEN Consulting, Inc. (KCI) is serving as Prime Contractor on a 3-year Blanket Purchasing Agreement (BPA) with the USDA - Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), to provide research, consulting, and program management services to create, administer, and analyze quick-response surveys of operators of FNS programs.
KEN Consulting, Inc. is currently serving as Prime Contractor on a 3-year contract with the U.S. Department of Education (ED), Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE), to conduct research on the effectiveness of the Department’s Title VI National Research Centers Grant Program to assess the effectiveness of the Statutory Requirement on Diverse Perspectives.
KEN Consulting, Inc is serving as the Prime Contractor on a 5-year contract to continue the effort of creating, updating, and maintaining a collection of online Computer Based Training (CBT) modules commonly known as Distance Learning Dataset Training (DLDT) for various Department of Education Surveys.
Partnering with RTI, International, KEN Consulting, Inc. was awarded a subcontract on the Department of Education, 2023-24 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:24) and Postsecondary Surveys to provide services and support to include: a) Training videos development, b) Student data collection training materials, c) Review of all training materials for student data collection as RTI transition into a full remote data collection effort.
KEN Consulting, Inc. is the Prime Contractor to the U.S. Department of Commerce, Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) to identify U.S. based businesses owned by individuals from East Africa so as to expand MBDA’s footprint and delivery of services throughout The Diaspora Networks.
KEN Consulting, Inc. is currently partnering with CALCO Consulting Group (CALCO), on a Jobs for the Future contract to support the National Office of Job Corps through the Department of Labor (DOL).
KEN Consulting, Inc, (KCI) was awarded a 5-year contract to provide the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Retirement Services (RS) Quality Assurance Group (QA) statistical sampling and group analysis services in support of the Improper Payments Scorecard Activities and analyses and requests from RS Management in accordance with the Payment Integrity Information Act (PIIA) of 2019. In addition, KCI statisticians will perform comprehensive audits, which examine the agency’s key risks identified in various claims and presents its findings ensuring sampling requirements are met and adhering to applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
As Prime Contractor KEN Consulting, Inc., a) reviewed Maryland Health Service Cost Review Commission (MHSCRC) Acute Care Hospital Discharged Data to evaluate whether the data met the objectives of Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Quality Indicators (QI) for SAS software, b) performed data verification and validation of variables and formats, c) developed SAS programs to ingest Maryland Hospital Inpatient Discharge data to compute Preventative Quality Indicators (PQI), Inpatient Quality Indicators (IQI), Patient Safety Indicators (PSI) and Pediatric Quality Indicators (PDI), d) documented technical details in reports, e) conducted statistical analyses by assessing, computing, and modifying the Statistical
Methodologies of the AHRQ software to fit MHSCRC Data for:
Risk Adjustment Methodology, Regression Coefficients for reference population, formulas of Smoothing Techniques for reference population, Standard Errors & Confidence Intervals, f) monitored AHRQ QI program performance after implementation to prevent reoccurrence of program operating problems and ensured operational efficiency, g) developed documentation describing program evaluation, testing, correction and h) evaluated new QI software or QI software enhancement for feasibility of use on the MHSCRC Data.
Teaming with AGS, KEN Consulting, Inc. (KCI) won the recompete of the Maryland Quality Measures Data Center (QMDC) contract. KCI continues to be responsible for providing big data analytics, system technical, help desk, updates and website support for the QMDC operational environment through, installation, maintenance, administration of SAS and other software.
As subcontractor, KEN Consulting, Inc. provided expert level consultation and technical services related to a) higher-weighted DRG reviews, coding accuracy, review of electronic and scanned medical records and compare codes submitted in hospitals’ documentation, b) maintained concurrent entry in government-supplied case review information system for selected cases, c) composed letters to providers explaining details of review and recommended changes to the codes and DRG submitted.
2. Medicare Fee-For-Service Part D, Data Validation Contract (DVC):
As subcontractor, KEN Consulting, Inc. provides a) statistical, statistical programming, data analytical and technical support for the recovery audit of Medicare fee-for-service Part D prescription claims contract which involves working with methodologies for measuring, preventing and correcting activities such as, improper payments to providers, and improper prescription of controlled substances, b) conducted studies in prescription and billing trends of Medicare Part D prescription drug claims, c) conducted investigation of other actual or potential fraudulent activities identified by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Office of the Inspector General (OIG) in Part D prescription drug claims.
3. State Medicare Data Mapping
For a fraud detection to reduce improper Medicaid payments contract KEN Consulting, Inc. performed
Conducted a) feasibility analyses of business ideas, prepared business cases and arrived at high level estimates prior to project approval and initiation, b) initiated project activities to include approval from the governing team, c) selected appropriate vendor and the right system life cycle for the project, d) planned requirements and provided assistance to develop user requirement specifications and functional specifications, e) assisted in the preparation of detailed system designs, installation qualification (IQ) protocol, system test/operational protocol (OQ) and unit tests, f) supervised system validation and testing activities to include IQ, OQ and User Acceptance Test for validated systems, g) assisted in the development of deployment plans, finalization of trace ability matrix and “release memo” to stakeholders.
Independently developed SAS macro application for clinical researchers and scientists to randomly and un-biasly group clinical data in groups of statistical similarities and computes statistical levels of significant differences among groups. This application complies with FDA and other regulatory policies and saves the company hundreds of thou-sands of dollars.
Developed SAS programs to support Phases I and II Clinical Trials and independently verified validated tables and listings of Phase III cardiovascular data.
KEN Consulting, Inc staff was a member of a clinical cardiovascular data analysis team, that developed SAS programs, analyzed data and composed documentations for FDA submission for the successful approval of the cardiovascular therapeutic drug, Pletal (Cilostazol).
Conducted “Independent Verification and Validation” (IV&V) of the first set of Government Credit Risk Models, Credit Risk Classes/Groups and Risk Insight Messages, b) developed and modified existing SAS Algorithms to independently test Credit Scores, Credit Risk Classes/Groups and Risk Insight Messages against institutional Policies and Procedures, c) developed documentations of model development and IV&V testing procedures.
KEN Consulting, Inc. (KCI) was awarded a subcontract with Research Triangle Institute – International to work on the U.S. Department of Education – National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS) contract. KCI will provide support services.
For the Student interviewer training support, KCI will create training videos of various length based on RTI-provided topics, background information, screenshots, and “lesson plans”. These videos will supplement the interviewer training program RTI has developed for the NPSAS and longitudinal studies.
KCI will assist RTI by preparing Postsecondary Data Portal (PDP) website user/tutorial videos. These videos guide staff from sampled institutions through the process of providing data for NPSAS. KCI will review video content provided by RTI and propose revisions to the audio transcript and storyboards. The audio transcripts and storyboards will be finalized for inclusion in the OMB clearance package. When PDP programming is complete, KCI will create the instructional videos, including screen capture, audio narration, and deliver the files to RTI for review and post on PDP website.
Developed “Repurchase Given Default Models” to predict the number of loans that will be repurchased from investors who discovered a material deficiency in loan documentation, and b) redeveloped and computed “Loss Given Default Models” to identified deficiencies in existing models.
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